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Censorship in Indonesia
by James Thompson
If you want censorship, it logically follows that you want a censor: someone who you are willing to privilege with deciding what you can and cannot see or hear.
The Cult of Feminism
by Krista Milburn
When feminists rage defiantly as adversaries of the patriarchal nature of Western society, they regularly fail to account for all of the matriarchal structures throughout it.
Steve Aylett: The Original Source File
by Rachel Haywire
“The culture is now so hostile to the authentic, raw origination of ideas it looks downright suspicious. Is freezing evolution a good idea?”
A Defence of Virtue-signalling and Vice-signalling
by Daniel Pryor
Just because something is virtue or vice-signalling doesn’t mean that it’s wrong.
Critiquing the Future with Bruce Sterling
by Rachel Haywire
“There is no absolute ‘future.’ There isn’t any boss in charge with a stopwatch who can keep accurate track of the so-called future and the so-called past.”
How the Left was Lost: Polite Society and the Death of Social Progress
by Rory Stobo
What’s the point in championing diversity when it all grinds to a halt at the first sniff of a diverse opinion?
Welcome to the New World
by Natasha Maria Phoenix
In the New World, there are no beauty standards. Beauty pageants are banned. There is no ideal of beauty, and all bodies are equally beautiful.
Exploring the Wasteland with Fine Artist V Holeček
by Elizabeth Hobson
“Expression without some semblance of discipline is just puerile narcissism. It’s the mentality of a toddler.“
The Sociopath’s Coma
by Rachel Haywire
Sociopaths are bound by their puppetmaster reality tunnels, and cannot imagine a world in which they are not pulling the strings.
The Poverty of Reductionism
by Lennart Svensson
The more complex a process becomes, the more risky it is to exclude details. Some of these details may be crucial for understanding the process.
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I am not a woman in tech.
by Rachel Haywire
I am not a woman in tech. My project was rejected because I forgot to include a trigger warning.
The Official Neoreactionary Quiz
by Rachel Haywire
Find out what type of neoreactionary you are!
You Would Do Your Will
by Rachel Haywire
The feminists are all trying to chop off your dicks. Israel is oppressing you. Poor little male existentialist victim.
The Anarcho-Futurist Manifesto
by A Group of Anarcho-Futurists
Fly into the streets! All who are still fresh and young and not dehumanized – to the streets!