Will you let me into the Verso Loft? I will break your Marxist deconstruction down into a reactionary wonderland for cynical decadents. I am building a mod revival and I want to show you my hate speech.
Latest Articles
Dissident Performance Art - Reinventing the Right with Lady Alchemy
by Rachel Haywire
We keep saying “culture war” but no one is really fighting it. Instead, they’re focusing on stunts, viral videos, and complaining about whatever the SJW’s and Democrats are doing. We need to replace what we are criticizing.
Peter Thiel Disrupts the Normies and sends China to the Gulag
by Freddie Bastiat
Peter Thiel expanded more on his points about China than any celebrity figurehead of the Right. Let us raise a glass for innovation in Silicon Valley; it’s been far too long since that last happened.
Ideological Possession in the Digital Age
by James ‘Grim’ Desborough
The Internet ‘spirit world’ is more intense and fast-moving than the real world. It is a realm of the hyper-real where transgressions are punished instantly, fortunes can be made and lost, and magick can be wrought using ritualised technological praxis and secret codes.
Walking the Psycho Path - A Manifesto
by Ezra Buckley
The liminal future represents our only path forward. We posit that the resilient liminalists will be the last ones standing after the final violent attempt of the sedation of the psyche.
When a Robot Calls you a Bot on Twitter, Does Your Account Get Banned?
by Freddie Bastiat
How does a company that is supposed to be state of the art rely on phone numbers to get an account back? They might as well rely on fax machines.
Part of Your (Virtual) World
by Rachel Haywire and Freddie Bastiat
I’ve got hashtags and filters aplenty. I’ve got flame wars and bad faith galore. You want cancellations? I’ve got twenty. (thousand) But who cares? No big deal; I want more!
Smashing Corporate Pride with Beka Valentine
by Rachel Haywire
The result of the corporatization of Pride is making a parade of fabulous fags that corporations are happy to exploit with a rainbow avatar on Twitter and a stupid fucking float at a parade.
Critiquing the Future with Bruce Sterling
by Rachel Haywire
“There is no absolute ‘future.’ There isn’t any boss in charge with a stopwatch who can keep accurate track of the so-called future and the so-called past.”
How the Left was Lost: Polite Society and the Death of Social Progress
by Rory Stobo
What’s the point in championing diversity when it all grinds to a halt at the first sniff of a diverse opinion?
Starting a Cult in 5 Easy Steps
by Rachel Haywire
It’s about time the traditional function of cult-starting became open-sourced for the mass population.
More Interesting Articles
The Occult Warfare of Memetics
by Eian Orange
What of your precious Internet then, my prattling bloggites?
Privilege Checks and Gamma Rays
by JM Dunkelheit
They could claw their way out, mind you, but it’s not air they’re after, it’s victimhood.
Moral Panic On The Dance Floor
by Pax Dickinson
Hi, I’m Pax Dickinson. I’m the guy who was shamed by Gawker and fired because I made off color jokes on Twitter.
Expect Nuclear War
by James D. Miller
The end of a world dominated by only two super-powers probably means a lot more countries are going to get atomic weapons, giving Moloch more room to play.
An Axiom Against Feminism
by Roxxi Wallace
I’m far more comfortable being judged, insulted, and harassed by women than men.
The Economics of ‘Slut-Shaming’
by Andrea Castillo
Restricting the supply of “sluts,” after all, significantly limits the potential for misogynistic indulgence in female sexual objectification.