Privilege benefits from its own unearned circumstances: fewer competing ideas, and the excoriation of nonconformists.
The Academic Stack: A New Proposal
by Marc Elliot
Remove our ability to do the wrong thing, to think bad thoughts, to feel bad emotions, and you strip us of our humanity.
That Lonely Path
by Arin Laurie
We are the true Illuminati — each with our single candle — dedicated to this Great Work.
Transhumanism: In the Belly of the Simulacrum
by Natasha Maria Phoenix
The world is a dynamic pulsating network which increasingly transcends government and corporation.
Genealogy of a Becoming-Revolutionary, One
by Mark Dyal
Authenticity as order-word. Revolution as order-word.
Respecting and Erasing
by Sarah Perry
The war is over and the paintings are replaced, but the blind people never come back.
New Atheism, Moral Orders, and the Psychology of Sanctity
by Andrea Castillo
We unwittingly labor along the neurological limits of nature’s economy.
The Occult Warfare of Memetics
by Eian Orange
What of your precious Internet then, my prattling bloggites?
The Rationality of Catastrophizing
by Sarah Perry
Why would a person tend to instantly and without evidence believe the worst, over and over again?
The Anarcho-Futurist Manifesto
by A Group of Anarcho-Futurists
Fly into the streets! All who are still fresh and young and not dehumanized – to the streets!