The Art Right desires vitality and knows to leverage nature in a world that has undoubtedly abandoned it.
Latest Articles
Tech Totalitarianism: The Death of Negative Liberty, the Death of the Real
by Natasha Maria
The increasing micromanagement of tech totalitarianism is starting to choke us. In fact, I would say that it’s already choked us to the extent that we wouldn’t even know oxygen if we breathed it in full.
Experiment Haywire - Alternative Technology
by Paul Hyson
After a break of nearly eight years, Rachel Haywire has returned to the music scene. Alternative Technology is Experiment Haywire’s newest studio length album, which is a collection of harsh electronic industrial anthems about the world.
Planned Obsolescence
by James ‘Grim’ Desborough
A little anime girl blinks into existence as my bladder drains and gives me a wink and a thumbs up. The score on my medical app has gone up.
Reading Strauss between the Lines - Judaism and Orthodoxy
by Michael Millerman
Straussianism is an open invitation, hidden in plain sight, to give precedence to the question over the answer, without overlooking the importance of answers in politics and elsewhere.
20 Utterly Milquetoast Predictions for 2020
by Rachel Haywire
The Roaring Twenties are here again. This time they are shinier than ever, and in a data-driven society where the spectacle is a mere footnote, a call for predictions from the surrealist boutique is in order.
Transhumanist Hiphop with Maitreya One
by Rachel Haywire
I decided to build a blueprint for a future Hiphop City, which I concealed in my album cover seal. I then went on to sell my album though a wine company, which was my way to bring honor back to my housing project.
Combating China’s Threat to American Free Speech
by James D. Miller
Unfortunately, international trade and a hypercompetitive global economy means that Americans, living in America, working for American companies can still have their speech rights curtailed by the Chinese Communist Party.
Dirty Robots: My two months in the U.S. Transhumanist Party
by Nick Sobriquet
Epstein wasn’t just a donor but a client of Humanity+’s papa organization Alcor, whose cryogenic technology promises eternal life. If you can foot the bill, that is.
If The Left Ever Gets A Sense Of Humor, Cuck Will Be A Huge Midnight Movie
by Edwin Oslan
Lambert created a character that was some kind of mashup between a disgruntled mass shooter, generic alt-right video blogger, Men’s Rights Activist, perpetual loser, and borderline retard.
Defying Ageing with Ariel VA Feinerman – A Radical Exploration
by Rachel Haywire
Unlike cryonics, which deals with legally dead human bodies, hibernetics studies slowing down the ageing processes in living organisms. Metabolic processes are still going on, just very slowly.
More Interesting Articles
The Poverty of Logic - Toward a Passionate Renaissance
by Jason Stevenson
No thank you, juridical persons and gentlemen. I have called out the poverty of your overrated logic and I have called forth the Passionate Renaissance.
The Death of Subculture
by James "Grim" Desborough
Endlessly and forever, people are doing the same old things, treating the history of youth culture as a buffet from which they can pick and choose whatever stale trend they want.
Sonic Horrorism: Unsound/Undead Musical War
by S.C. Hickman
Sonic warfare will create the haunted technoscapes of the future, soundworlds of decay and destruction leading humans to a joyous omnicide at the hands of their own music.
The Exterminator’s Want Ad
by Bruce Sterling
Everybody wants the cool post-disaster story—the awesome part where you take over whole abandoned towns, and have sex with cool punk girls in leather rags who have sawed-off shotguns. Boy, I could only wish.
How Public is Your Health?
by Freddie Bastiat
“Yes citizen. Please enjoy your run, but remember that going to a licensed gym is the best way to improve your health,” the drone said before flying away.
Transhumanist Realtalk with R.U. Sirius from Mondo 2000
by Rachel Haywire
Now I think techno-optimism is suspect. It can be a tool of the ruling plutocracy. To detourne Woody Guthrie, the promise is there’ll be pie in the sky when you don’t die.