As a white man, I call upon people to reject both white nationalism and academic anti-white rhetoric.
Europa: When Feminism is Silent
by Natasha Maria Phoenix
Feminism now doggedly embraces the tyrannical religiosity that is Islam, all in the name of tolerance and diversity.
Silence as a Privilege
by DL Cummings
Privilege benefits from its own unearned circumstances: fewer competing ideas, and the excoriation of nonconformists.
Banning All the Words
by J.M. Dunkelheit
Do people in general need trigger warnings? Most likely not. Consider evolution. Consider how we got here at all.
How Political Parties are Ruining America
by Trever Bierschbach
We line up like cattle at the stockyard and pull the lever for our chosen party like it’s some sort of religion.
The Academic Stack: A New Proposal
by Marc Elliot
Remove our ability to do the wrong thing, to think bad thoughts, to feel bad emotions, and you strip us of our humanity.
Why Have Opinions?
by Robin Hanson
I just surprised some people here at a conference by saying that I don’t have opinions on abortion or gun control.
The Necessity of Risk in a World of Loss
by Emilio Pacheco
We live in a risk-adverse society. Survival has now been replaced by comfort. We ignore the impact of risk and strive to play it safe.
The False Dichotomy of the Sellout vs. Hipster
by Sara A. Rahman
You can either be a “hipster rebel against capitalism” or you’re a “soulless whore/slave of capitalism.”
The Psychopath’s Case Against Empathy
by Jessica Kelly
Affective empathy is responsible for the atrocity that is our current political landscape.